Monday, August 29, 2011

Signs of Something or Another..

I was looking for a "sign" the other day, and found several around the neightborhood.
You can click any of the photos to make 'em BIGGER.

Apparently, all signs along the Panamerican Highway and the road between David and Boquete are now illegal. It must be very satisfying to be the guy who slaps those big stickers right over the sign. If the sticker is bigger than the sign, the whole sign gets covered by a piece of sticker. The big, multi-story signs advertising major businesses get a piece of sticker wrapped around the post. Not a bad idea.

Other folks have their folksy signs.

"Don't throw garbage, pigs". Way to win friends and influence people. Too bad they misspelled Basura.

Balboa Beer "Conectado al sabor" has a lock on painting all the convenience stores in this area. Movistar, with the weird pukey green has all the bus-shelters. 

IDAAN is the water agency. They make sure to shut off the water at night, and often during the day on the weekends. Thanks for saving us money, guys. The water bill is only $5.00 a month, so if you could somehow save up some of that 20 inches of rain we get a week and keep the water on longer, we'd gladly pay $10.00.

Well, that explains the big BOOMS that rattle our windows once in a while. No complaints- the new David to Boquete road that goes near our house is making great progress just in the short time we've lived here. More on that in the next day or two.

Who knew that they still sold Royal Crown Cola? And who would have thought that some advertising artist would draw a woman with piercings and a tattoo in the 1950's pinup style to promote RC? I ponder that every time I walk into that store.

As the sign says "Good taste never changes!"  

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